Unfortunately, the difference in quality is still substantial. Split and Export video from one file format to another Built-in Codec and Encoders Preview option Customize the output file Faster splitting and no quality. I had an issue before where checking use maximum rendering quality caused a black. Enable Use Maximum Render Quality to achieve the best scaling results." Exporting in Quicktime format works fine. Select a high bit rate, such as 100 Mbps. Disable the aspect ratio link next to the dimensions and change the dimensions to 4096 by 2304 (or 2160 for 60 fps). Choose Stretch To Fill in the Source Scaling setting (**couldn't find this one, so didn't do it**). Change the profile to High and the level to 5.2. Disable the match source check boxes for dimensions, profile, and level. The settings were: "H.264 format with the Match Source preset. You have a few options for how to do this, since both Peek 360 and Replay 360 have recording abilities. You can combine multiple videos into one video, up to 360×180 degrees.

Autopano Video Pro also supports GoPro’s own high-quality Cineform codec. Kolor has released Autopano Video 64, a new video-stitching application.

Autopano Video Pro supports Apple ProRes output so you can render and export a QuickTime file in this codec. Aspect ratio: We recommend a 2:1 aspect ratio for 4K monoscopic 360 video. Modify the settings in PrPro if needed to match closer as desired. Resolution: We support upload and playback for videos up to 4K. Test a moderately short sequence, checking in MediaInfo for the bitrate achieved. Then take an H.265 preset and modify things to suit, including the rough bitrate desired. I found a youtube tutorial for how to preserve video quality on a Mac here, but I'm using Windows, and instead tried the export settings listed here. The first step is to create your screen recording. Autopano Video Pro accepts a wide variety of file formats (DirectShow in Windows and QuickTime on Mac OS X) and codecs. You can check the bitrates of your GoPro files in MediaInfo. Jeff Terrell: Edit + Export Interactive GoPro Fusion Videos with Adobe Premiere Pro. How do I export 360 video out of Premiere and still preserve the original 4K quality of the footage? Adding video on top of your 360 video allows you to provide more. I exported the file using the following settings: Format: H.264, Preset: Custom, and ticked the box saying "Use maximum render quality"

Here are the properties of my sequence: 4736 x 2496, 00:03:56:01, 29.97 fps, 48000 Hz - Stereo, VR Projection: Equirectangular, VR Layout: Monoscopic, VR Captured View: 360° Horizontal by 180° Vertical. The file has been captured with a Garmin VIRB 360, video duration is 4 minutes, the original file size is 3 GB, and the output file size is 300 MB. When editing a 360 video in Adobe Premiere Pro, I noticed that if I import the video into the program and export it again without any additional changes, the resulting file size of the output file is 10 times smaller than the original, and the output file is lower resolution and appears blurry compared to the original.