It's not a fun kind challenge either, it just feels like too many things are being thrown at you at once. Even I'm struggling here, so much for her being a beginner character. but not by leaving the rest of the run untouched and then throwing a gigantic difficulty spike at you at the end. Hard Mode was left unchanged despite being a total mess, bomb modifiers are still charms, Purple Slimes still serve no purpose, z5 still feels like a victory lap, no changes to Aria, the new Codex entries were apparently forgotten, etc.Īnd Nocturna's bosses, what happened? I felt Nocturna was way too easy, even for a beginner character, and needed something to make her feel less like a straight upgrade to Cadence. I will say, I do think there are a lot of other polish issues. I suppose you could say the same about Mary and Tempo, but then that doesn't explain Diamond. Zone 5 is unlocked because you paid for it. As someone who's been playing for a while, I don't play single zone mode, I don't watch cutscenes, and I just sort of assume I can play any character whenever, but none of those things are true for new players, and I think the game may suffer as a result. For a new player, I feel like the fact that some of the stuff that should be locked just isn't is confusing. I just feel that for a "full release" they could have done better. The new modes are fun, and the characters are interesting. Also, a lot of multi-zone enemies appear in the zone 5 training area (shop wall mimics, shrine mimics, purple slimes) but that's not really a bug. Mystery mode is completely cheeseable with a monocle, Konga's throne is messed up in mystery mode, Frankensteinway's electric floors hit you if you're flying and don't grant invincibility beats (both of which may be intentional admittedly), the conductor has a double best where the song loops, down to even small quality of life stuff like the circlet being in Tempo's item pool, and the new Pulse spell apparently not actually appearing in-game at all. Despite all the time spent in early access, there's still quite a few bugs hanging around (which is not unforgivable by any means but how much of it is on new stuff that apparently wasn't tested properly is a shame). I get that it'd be pretty hard to add new stuff in that fits around the rest, not to mention recording voices, making art etc., but it's bizarre that it's not consistent like Nocturna is. Cadence, Melody and Aria all have story cutscenes for 4 zones, but there's a total of 5 zones. Then you've got the cutscenes, or the lack of them. Not to mention the fact that Diamond is by far the easiest new character, and he's the only one you can't play at first. Nocturna being available, I can accept that, and I think it's good, but why Mary and Tempo? Tempo especially is a very hard character, and because he leaks enemies from other zones, you can sort of spoil what's to come if you try him out on a whim. More specifically, the fact that, sans diamond, they're all playable from base (and the game still only says "Cadence and Bard are unlocked by default" on the character screen). The characters themselves are fine, great even, but the way they're unlocked confuses me. The DLC added Nocturna, Mary, Diamond and Tempo. This is good, because you have the main character, and the "practice" character, two of the easiest characters in the game.

In the base game, only Cadence and Bard are unlocked. That leads me to my next point, characters.

Then you've got the fact that Aria's zone 5 appears to be completely ignored as far as consistency with the rest of her zones goes- no sarcophagi in zone 5, and no zone 5 enemies in the other zones. Both of them fight their "final bosses" in zone 4, not zone 5, while zone 5 just has a generic boss. As for Cadence and Melody, zone 5 appears to be completely ignored in terms of single zone mode. They could find and beat Nocturna's new final boss in a matter of hours. why is it possible to play it from the get go? Surely locking it behind zone 4 makes more sense? And sure, a beginner won't be able to beat it as easily as zone 1, but once they get a bit good at the game they might just say screw it and fight the final mission. For the DLC though, for some reason zone 5 is unlocked at base. In the base game, zone 1 is the only playable zone from the start. But I'm a very experienced player of necrodancer, and I'm not sure that my feelings reflect the way a newer player might feel. I don't regret my decision to buy the DLC at all. I wanna preface this by saying that I seriously enjoy necrodancer, and I really enjoy playing the DLC.